Building a custom Python API for an extension

Creating custom extensions is recommended if you want a stable API that can remain the same even as you make changes to the internal data organization. The pynwb.core module has various tools to make it easier to write classes that behave like the rest of the PyNWB API.

The pynwb.core defines two base classes that represent the primitive structures supported by the schema. NWBData represents datasets and NWBContainer represents groups. Additionally, pynwb.core offers subclasses of these two classes for writing classes that come with more functionality.


docval is a library within PyNWB and HDMF that performs input validation and automatic documentation generation. Using the docval decorator is recommended for methods of custom API classes.

This decorator takes a list of dictionaries that specify the method parameters. These dictionaries are used for enforcing type and building a Sphinx docstring. The first arguments are dictionaries that specify the positional arguments and keyword arguments of the decorated function. These dictionaries must contain the following keys: 'name', 'type', and 'doc'. This will define a positional argument. To define a keyword argument, specify a default value using the key 'default'. To validate the dimensions of an input array add the optional 'shape' parameter.

The decorated method must take self and **kwargs as arguments.

When using this decorator, the functions getargs() and popargs() can be used for easily extracting arguments from kwargs.

The following code example demonstrates the use of this decorator:

@docval({'name': 'arg1':,   'type': str,           'doc': 'this is the first positional argument'},
        {'name': 'arg2':,   'type': int,           'doc': 'this is the second positional argument'},
        {'name': 'kwarg1':, 'type': (list, tuple), 'doc': 'this is a keyword argument', 'default': list()},
        returns='foo object', rtype='Foo')
def foo(self, **kwargs):
    arg1, arg2, kwarg1 = getargs('arg1', 'arg2', 'kwarg1', **kwargs)

The 'shape' parameter is a tuple that follows the same logic as the shape parameter in the specification language. It can take the form of a tuple with integers or None in each dimension. None indicates that this dimension can take any value. For instance, (3, None) means the data must be a 2D matrix with a length of 3 and any width. 'shape' can also take a value that is a tuple of tuples, in which case any one of those tuples can match the spec. For instance, "shape": ((3, 3), (4, 4, 4)) would indicate that the shape of this data could either be 3x3 or 4x4x4.

The 'type' argument can take a class or a tuple of classes. We also define special strings that are macros which encompass a number of similar types, and can be used in place of a class, on its own, or within a tuple. 'array_data' allows the data to be of type np.ndarray, list, tuple, or h5py.Dataset; and 'scalar_data' allows the data to be str, int, float, bytes, or bool.

Registering classes

When defining a class that represents a neurodata_type (i.e. anything that has a neurodata_type_def) from your extension, you can tell PyNWB which neurodata_type it represents using the function register_class(). This class can be called on its own, or used as a class decorator. The first argument should be the neurodata_type and the second argument should be the namespace name.

The following example demonstrates how to register a class as the Python class representation of the neurodata_type “MyContainer” from the namespace “my_ns”.

from pynwb import register_class
from pynwb.core import NWBContainer

class MyContainer(NWBContainer):

regitser_class('MyContainer', 'my_ns', MyContainer)

Alternatively, you can use register_class() as a decorator.

from pynwb import register_class
from pynwb.core import NWBContainer

@regitser_class('MyContainer', 'my_ns')
class MyContainer(NWBContainer):

register_class() is used with NWBData the same way it is used with NWBContainer.


When creating a new neurodata type, you need to define the new properties on your class, which is done by defining them in the __nwbfields__ class property. This class property should be a tuple of strings that name the new properties. Adding a property using this functionality will create a property than can be set only once. Any new properties of the class should be defined here.

For example, the following class definition will create the MyContainer class that has the properties foo and bar.

from pynwb import register_class
from pynwb.core import NWBContainer

class MyContainer(NWBContainer):

    __nwbfields__ = ('foo', 'bar')



NWBContainer should be used to represent groups with a neurodata_type_def. This section will discuss the available NWBContainer subclasses for representing common group specifications.


The NWB schema uses the neurodata type NWBDataInterface for specifying containers that contain data that is not considered metadata. For example, NWBDataInterface is a parent neurodata type to ElectricalSeries data, but not a parent to ElectrodeGroup.

There are no requirements for using NWBDataInterface in addition to those inherited from NWBContainer.


Throughout the NWB schema, there are multiple NWBDataInterface specifications that include one or more or zero or more of a certain neurodata type. For example, the LFP neurodata type contains one or more ElectricalSeries. If your extension follows this pattern, you can use MultiContainerInterface for defining the representative class.

MultiContainerInterface provides a way of automatically generating setters, getters, and properties for your class. These methods are autogenerated based on a configuration provided using the class property __clsconf__. __clsconf__ should be a dict or a list of dicts. A single dict should be used if your specification contains a single neurodata type. A list of dicts should be used if your specification contains multiple neurodata types that will exist as one or more or zero or more. The contents of the dict are described in the following table.





the type of the Container



the property name that holds the Containers



the name of the method for adding a Container



the name of the method for creating a Container



the name of the method for getting a Container by name


The type key provides a way for the setters to check for type. The property under the name given by the. attr key will be a LabelledDict. If your class uses a single dict, a __getitem__ method will be autogenerated for indexing into this LabelledDict. Finally, a constructor will also be autogenerated if you do not provide one in the class definition.

The following code block demonstrates using MultiContainerInterface to build a class that represents the neurodata type “MyDataInterface” from the namespace “my_ns”. It contains one or more containers with neurodata type “MyContainer”.

from pynwb import register_class
from pynwb.core import MultiContainerInterface

@register_class("MyDataInterface", "my_ns")
class MyDataInterface(MultiContainerInterface):

    __clsconf__ = {
        'type': MyContainer,
        'attr': 'containers',
        'add': 'add_container',
        'create': 'create_container',
        'get': 'get_container',

This class will have the methods add_container, create_container, and get_container. It will also have the property containers. The add_container method will check to make sure that either an object of type MyContainer or a list/dict/tuple of objects of type MyContainer is passed in. create_container will accept the exact same arguments that the MyContainer class constructor accepts.


NWBData should be used to represent datasets with a neurodata_type_def. This section will discuss the available NWBData subclasses for representing common dataset specifications.


If your specification extension contains a table definition i.e. a dataset with a compound data type, you should use the NWBTable class to represent this specification. Since NWBTable subclasses NWBData, you can still use __nwbfields__. In addition, you can use the __columns__ class property to specify the columns of the table. __columns__ should be a list or a tuple of docval()-like dictionaries.

The following example demonstrates how to define a table with the columns foo and bar that are of type str and int, respectively. We also register the class as the representation of the neurodata_type “MyTable” from the namespace “my_ns”.

from pynwb import register_class
from pynwb.core import NWBTable

@register_class('MyTable', 'my_ns')
class MyTable(NWBTable):

    __columns__ = [
        {'name': 'foo', 'type': str, 'doc': 'the foo column'},
        {'name': 'bar', 'type': int, 'doc': 'the bar column'},



NWBTableRegion should be used to represent datasets that store a region reference. When subclassing this class, make sure you provide a way to pass in the required arguments for the NWBTableRegion constructor–the name of the dataset, the table that the region applies to, and the region itself.

Custom data checks on __init__

When creating new instances of an API class, we commonly need to check that input parameters are valid. As a common practice the individual checks are typically implemented as separate functions named _check_.... on the class and then called in __init__.

To support access to older file version (which may not have followed some new requirements) while at the same time preventing the creation of new data that is invalid, PyNWB allows us to detect in __init__ whether the object is being constructed by the ObjectMapper on read or directly by the user, simply by checking if self._in_construct_mode is True/False. For convenience, PyNWB provides the _error_on_new_warn_on_construct() method, which makes it easy to raise warnings on read and errors when creating new data.


Customizing the mapping between NWBContainer and the Spec

If your NWBContainer extension requires custom mapping of the NWBContainer class for reading and writing, you will need to implement and register a custom ObjectMapper.

ObjectMapper extensions are registered with the decorator register_map().

from pynwb import register_map
from import ObjectMapper

class MyExtensionMapper(ObjectMapper)

register_map() can also be used as a function.

from pynwb import register_map
from import ObjectMapper

class MyExtensionMapper(ObjectMapper)

register_map(MyExtensionContainer, MyExtensionMapper)


ObjectMappers allow you to customize how objects in the spec are mapped to attributes of your NWBContainer in Python. This is useful, e.g., in cases where you want to customize the default mapping. For example in TimeSeries, the attribute unit, which is defined on the dataset data (i.e., data.unit), would by default be mapped to the attribute data__unit on TimeSeries. The ObjectMapper TimeSeriesMap then changes this mapping to map data.unit to the attribute unit on TimeSeries . ObjectMappers also allow you to customize how constructor arguments for your NWBContainer are constructed. For example, in TimeSeries instead of explicit timestamps we may only have a starting_time and rate. In the ObjectMapper, we could then construct timestamps from this data on data load to always have timestamps available for the user. For an overview of the concepts of containers, spec, builders, and object mappers in PyNWB, see also Software Architecture.