Community Gallery
This page is a collection of community conversion and analysis projects cataloged here as a convenient reference for NWB users. This list is not comprehensive and many of the projects and resources are built and supported by other groups, and are in active development. If you would like to contribute a project or resources, please see the instructions here.
Data Conversion
NeuroConv Catalog is a collection of real-world examples of labs using NeuroConv to convert their data to NWB files. Each project listed contains a description and a link to an open GitHub repository. Many of the projects listed use advanced customization features beyond what is demonstrated in the core NeuroConv conversion gallery. NeuroConv Catalog
The Bristol Neuroscience Data Guide includes tutorials for converting data to NWB for extracellular electrophysiology data and optical physiology data using both the PyNWB and MatNWB APIs for NWB.
Data Analysis and Reuse
DANDI (Distributed Archives for Neurophysiology Data Integration) maintains a collection of example notebooks associated with datasets, conference tools, or more generally notebooks that illustrate the use of data on DANDI. Source
In addition, the neuroscience community is creating examples demonstrating the reuse of NWB data published on DANDI. For example:
The INCF working group on NWB has created a library of MATLAB examples using DANDI datasets authored as MATLAB live scripts. Source
Neuromatch-AJILE12 is a package for exploratory analysis of long-term naturalistic human intracranial neural recordings and pose data as part of Dandiset 000055. Notebook Source Paper
The OpenScope Databook provides scripts and documentation used for brain data analysis and visualization, primarily working with NWB files and the DANDI archive. Through Jupyter Book, this code is structured as a series of notebooks intended to explain and educate users on how to work with brain data. This resource is provided by the Allen Institute’s OpenScope Project, an endeavor of The Allen Institute Mindscope Program. OpenScope is a platform for high-throughput and reproducible neurophysiology open to external scientists to test theories of brain function. Databook Source
The International Brain Laboratory (IBL) released a Brainwide Map of neural activity during decision-making, consisting of 547 Neuropixel recordings of 32,784 neurons across 194 regions of the mouse brain. At Cosyne 2023, the IBL team presented an Introduction to IBL and the Brain-wide map dataset and tutorials on Using IBL data with NWB and Using IBL data with ONE.
Publications That Reuse NWB Data
The NWB team maintains a running database of publications that reuse publicly available NWB data, particularly from the DANDI Archive.
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